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美国加州大学默塞德分校 陈阳泉教授 讲座

发布时间:2022-09-01 点击数:

讲座题目:Fractional Calculus and Its Applications in Modelingand Signal Processing






陈阳泉教授, 1998年获新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位。2000年~2012年在Utah State University (USU)电气工程学院任教。2012年夏季加入美国加州大学默塞德分校工学院(UCM)。陈教授为本科生讲授“机电一体化”、“工程服务学习”、“无人机系统”和研究所课“分数阶力学”、“线性多变量控制”、“非线性控制”和“高级控制:最优化和鲁棒性”。主要研究方向为可持续性机电一体化、认知过程控制(数字孪生使能智慧控制工程)、基于小型无人机的协同多光谱“个人遥感”、分数阶微积分在控制、建模和复杂信号处理中的应用、基于移动执行器和传感器网络的分布式参数系统的分布式测量与控制。


目前担任International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems和Nonlinear Dynamics等期刊编委。


Fractional order calculus is about differentiation and integration of non-integer orders. Fractional calculus based fractional order thinking (FOT) has been shown to help us to better understand complex systems, better process complex signals, better control complex systems, better perform optimizations, and even better enable creativity. In this seminar I will briefly introduce what, why and when of Fractional Calculus (FC). Using a simple modeling problem, we will demonstrate that the fractional order model can perform better than the best integer order model under fair comparison. Numerical inverse Laplace method is introduced to solve the optimal model fitting problems with MATLAB codes given. Then we present an interesting parameter-distributed and order-distributed FOM for a complex relaxation process from MRI. Next we will introduce fractional order signal processing basic ideas and related techniques. We end this seminar with some take home messages.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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