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发布时间:2023-03-10 点击数:

报告主题:具有物理智能的小型软体机器人的设计/制造及其功能化应用 (The Design, Fabrication and Functionality of Small-scale Soft Robots with Physical Intelligence)


地点:创新港2-3F-033 (力行楼)




国外导师:Prof. Metin Sitti

留学时间:2021.02.28 ~ 2023.02.28

Abstract: The China Scholarship Council (CSC) sponsors talented Chinese students for overseas study with the aim of improving the quality of postgraduate training and enhancing the development of China's higher education. From March 2021 to February 2023, Mr. Jie Han was a visiting researcher in the Physical Intelligence Department of Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Metin Sitti, sponsored by the CSC. This presentation provides a comprehensive report on Mr. Han's research work, focusing on the design, fabrication, and functionality of sensor-integrated soft robots. The report outlines the experimental methodology, presents the findings and contributions, and discusses the implications and future directions of the research. Additionally, the report provides an introduction to the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and offers insights into the cultural experience of Germany. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on soft robotics and holds promise for future applications in healthcare, manufacturing, and beyond.

摘要:中国国家留学基金管理委员会(CSC)致力于资助优秀的中国留学生到海外进行学习,旨在提高研究生培养质量并促进中国高等教育的发展。自20212月至20232月,韩捷博士(在读)CSC的资助下于德国斯图加特马普智能系统研究所(Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)物理智能部门作为访问学者开展学术交流,在Metin Sitti教授的指导下从事研究工作。本汇报是韩捷博士(在读)访学期间研究工作的全面报告与总结,重点介绍了传感器集成软机器人的设计、制造和功能化应用。报告阐述了实验方法、研究结果和贡献,并探讨了研究的意义和未来方向。此外,报告还介绍了马普智能系统研究所,并将分享有关德国文化体验的见解。本研究为软机器人领域的不断发展做出了贡献,并有望在生物医疗、环境检测等领域得到广泛应用。

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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