题 目: Components and Control of Active Magnetic
Rotor Bearings
时 间: 2010.1.26(星期二), 9:00~10:00(AM)
地 点: 曲江校区,西5楼第一会议室
讲座人 : Hannes Bleuler 教授
Hannes Bleuler教授简介:
Prof. Hannes Bleuler is with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). His research interests include magnetic bearings, micro-robotics, biomedical robotics, and etc.. Within the large field of \\\\"microrobotics\\\\", his researches focus on various small mobile robots (Group of Francesco Mondada, robots for education, for inspection in turbines or in the human body, for climbing walls etc), in high precision motion control and in contact-free and vacuum compatible devices.
Swiss, Born 19.2.1954
1973-78 ETH Zurich, M.S. in Electrical Engineering
1979-84 Teaching Assistant, Doctorate Student at ETH (Inst. of Mechanics)
1984 Ph.D. thesis in Mechatronics (magnetic bearings, Prof. G. Schweitzer)
1985-87 Research Engineer at Hitachi Ltd, Japan, Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory;
1987 Invited researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Precision Mechatronics, Prof. K. Ono)
1988-91 Lecturer and Senior Assistant at ETH ; co-foundation of MECOS-Traxler AG
1991-95 Toshiba Chair of \\\\"Intelligent Mechatronics\\\\" and then regular Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo (Institute of Industrial Science)
1995-present Full Professor at EPFL Lausanne on micro?robotics, biomedical robotics;
2000 Co-founder of xitact SA, Morges (robotic surgery instrumentation & simulators)
2002-2006 President Conference of Professors and Lecturers of EPFL, member of Assemblée de l'Ecole
2006 Chairman of ISMB10 (10th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Martigny, Switzerland)
2006 Nomination as member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW)